III. Chapter

Activity: How does a printer work?

Category: AV-Media, Computers

Where: a room apart, the hall

How long: approx. 1 hour

What: role-play, mode of operation of a printer


Material: Cardboard computer with mouse and printer, black arrow, printer symbol on an index card, pens, paper in the printer, scissors, glue, forms for name-tags  


The nursery school teacher meets the children at the cardboard computer. The children recall their previous experiences (components of the computer and their connections) and describe the newly added parts: the mouse and the printer. The children describe the connection mouse-CPU by following the string (cable). The children group around the different stations (see activity “How does a computer work?”) and imitate the way a printer operates: A child at the keyboard types his or her name, the children transport the letters until the name appears on the cardboard screen.

Can we print the name? The children think about it and together with the nursery school teacher they agree that the black arrow has to be moved by the mouse to the symbol “printer” on the screen. A child moves the cardboard mouse and the child in the cardboard monitor moves the black arrow onto the symbol of the printer. The child moving the mouse clicks the button on the mouse and the child in the monitor sends an index card with the printer-symbol along the connection to the CPU. The child in the cardboard CPU copies the name from the screen and sends the piece of paper along the string (cable) to the printer. The child in the printer copies the name and pushes the “printed“ piece of paper out of the printer.

The children swap stations and “print“ their names.

The children receive explorer-tags on which they can stick their “printed” names.

The children draw a picture of the printer and its connections for the “computer manual“.  

Background information: The mouse moves the cursor (black arrow) on the screen. The printer is switched on. The cursor is moved onto the printer-symbol on the screen, and by clicking the left button on the mouse, the printer prints the page / text shown on the screen.
