
The Richard-von-Weizsäcker-Berufskolleg
(RvW-BK) is a vocational school of 2700 students and 133 teachers offering
courses in a variety of different fields. The department of social studies in
which our project is carried out consists of the following courses: >
School for social pedagogy (leading to masters' or technicians'
School for
social health care (leading to masters' or technicians' qualification)
Vocational Schools for social and health care with courses in child care,
assistance and
health care
School for
social studies (leading to the entrance certificate for the university of
Besides the schools concentrating on
social studies, other departments of our school are business
studies/administration. technology and home economics. It is this structure
of our school which qualifies the applicant as a co-ordinating Institution
for the project. The knowledge and skills of the other departments of our
school, especially those of the department of technology will be relevant to
the project as far as its Organisation and its content are concerned. In
addition, the department which carries out the project (School for social
pedagogy) is provided with rooms equipped with the latest technology and
Computers which allow our students direct access to the Internet.
Moreover, the co-ordinating
Institution has gathered experience of international projects in the context
of LEONARDO DA VINCI II/Mobility since 1999. As a co-ordinating institution
we receive support not only from the school's administration Offices but also
from the logistics ofthe EU-Geschäftsstelle der Bezirksregienmg Münster
(European Links Office, Regional Government of Münster).This is especially
true for the support of the project and the spreading of its results, both on
a national and international level.
In the context of the training of
future pre-school teachers the application of audio-visual media in its
largest sense will be developed and tested with regard to early technical
education. This will be done by taking into account the specific
characteristics of the socialisation of girls and boys and corresponds to the
gender mainstreaming process. Dealing with this theme leads to a further
development of inovative concepts the department and corresponds to the
intentions of the school Programme.
Tasks: Co-ordination and evaluation of the
project, development and testing of the pedagogic and didactic material
applied in early technical education in the context of the training of
pre-school and nursery teachers, development of a virtual database intended
to spread the results of the projects continually, both on a national and
international level, co-operation in the development oft he handbook.

Berufsbildende Schulen VII Sozialwesen - Braunschweig
Braunschweig is the second
largest city in Niedersachsen with a population of 250,000 and a regional cultural and economic
The Berufsbildenden Schulen
VII (BBS VII) Braunschweig together form a vocational school for 540 young
adults learning the German professions of ErzieherInnen und SozialassistentInnen,
which allow the holders of these titles to work in kindergartens, youth
centres and certain residential establishments, and give them the German
school finishing certificates Fachhochschulreife, Fachgebundene
Hochschulreife or Allgemeine Hochschulreife.
The following types of
German school are included:
Sozialpädagogik with specialisms in
Intercultural work/Europe
Early technical education
Social networks
Youth cultures
For the last 5 years the
BBS VII has developed an overall European and intercultural profile. This manifests
itself in various co-operation projects, as well as activities to prevent and
to minimise right-wing extremism, xenophobia and violence. The school has won
the right to call itself Eine Schule ohne Rassismus (A school without
racism) which means that it has a continuous programme of initiatives to
further understanding between cultures and individuals. It also won the first
prize in the1999 Schülerfriedenpreis (Peace Prize for Schools) competition
for a project and exhibition on violence
In addition the school has
supported a street children project in the town of Camiri in Southern Bolivia,
by collecting 150 euro per month to allow 14 children aged from 5 to 13, who
work as shoe cleaners or street hawkers, to have some schooling and a daily hot
The school hosts an annual
literature competition die Eule(the owl), and a project to help prevent
violence called Schritte gegen Tritte (Steps against violence)
It cooperates in the
European Union programmes:
Socrates Comenius 2.1 on early
technical education 2002-2004
Leonardo Da Vinci student
mobility from 2001 onwards
Leonardo Da Vinci teacher mobility from 2001 onwards
It also offers protection
to those suffering fascist or racist attacks under the Aktion Braunschweiger Noteingang and gets involved in other projects on the themes of
violence and racism in accordance with its political and social
Tasks: Development, testing and evaluation
of pedagogical and didactic materials for nursery education and co-operation
in the development of the handbook.

Volkswagen Coaching GmbH
Volkswagen Coaching Ltd.
is a 100 % subsidiary of Volkswagen Inc. In December 2003 the 6 nationwide
locations of business of VW-Coaching Ltd. employed 856 members of staff. In 2003 the Company reached a turnover of
137 million and in the same year about 36.000 participants received training
in about 4.100 training courses. Volkswagen Coaching organises the complete
training of apprentices for Volkswagen Inc. At the moment apprentices can be
found in 33 different jobs in the sectors of administration, technology and
industry. Volkswagen Coaching Ltd. is working in the following fields:
Apprentice & Further Training, Ideas Management, Management Development,
Consulting, Coaching, AutoUni, Labour Market Projects. The main activity of
Volkswagen Coaching lies in the vocational training of apprentices, in
further education for staff members of Volkswagen and in development of a
company. In the context of the vocational training of apprentices numerous
international activities have been organised and carried out.
Tasks: Technical
consulting/advice and support in the field of vocational training.
Development, testing and evaluation of different experiments for the
handbook. Co-operation in the development of the handbook.

de Barcelona
Staff members of the Universitat de
Barcelona that take part in the realisation of this SOKRATES project
belong to the Department of Didàctica de les Ciències Experimentals i de la
Matemàtica (Science and Mathematics Education). The scientific background
of these staff members lies above all in the field of physics, but the
professional background relates to experimental sciences education.
The department concentrates mainly on
the training of pre-school and primary teachers in the Faculty of Teachers
Training. It takes also charge of the teaching of subjects involved in other
studies as the Physics Education in the Curriculum of Physics at the Faculty
of Physics.
In addition, the department offers an
independent postgraduate programme named Informatics for teachers of
primary and secondary schools, and a doctoral programme named Didàctica de
les Ciències experimentals i de la Matemàtica, mainly addressed to
science and mathematics secondary teachers.
Moreover, the staff members have gained experience in
research on Experimental Sciences Education, ICT-based distance learning,
advising primary and secondary schools relating sciences teaching, and in the
creation of teaching materials.
In the context of the
interrelationship between natural sciences, technology and society, the
department of Science and Mathematics education contributes with its
methodological and didactic knowledge and skills in order to reach the aims
of the project.
Tasks: To cooperate in the provision of the
didactic background of science and technical education, to develop and test
didactic materials to improve early technical and scientific education and to
cooperate in the development of the handbook.

Haagse Hoogeschool
The Haagse Hoogeschool (HHS)
contributes the following knowledge and experiences to the SOKRATES project.
For several years the Haagse Hoogeschool'has developed and produced technical
modules and units which can be used by students for activities and work
placements with children in order to create and realise a variety of products
and applications. Guidelines and curricula support these activities. In the
context of the preparation of their final exams, students deal more than 400
hours per year with subject-matters belonging to the field of technology. In
the course of this phase in which some students also make use of the partner
institutions of the university a variety of mechanical games, collections of
teaching materials, ideas and didactic material are created. The HHS has
fundamental knowledge in the field of the technical equipment of rooms at
school and in activity centres in which students and children have the opportunity
to learn about technical phenomena and apparatuses. The HHS co-operates with
craftsmen and experts from electrical and metal industries which other
courses and activities for teachers' training and education in the context of
BTA-ME programmes. New forms of technical teaching are tested. During their
work placements at school and in the courses students can develop and test
technical materials.
Tasks: Development, construction and testing
of mechanical-technical toys in order to support technical skills and
creativity of children, co-operation in the development of the handbook.
University of Lisbon/Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education
The Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education of the University of Lisbon is a higher education school whose aims are teaching, research and community service in the areas of Psychology and Education.
The Faculty grants 5 years university degrees, masters and Ph. D in several branches of the Psychology and Education. It is a small school, with 104 teachers, most of them with Ph. D, and about 1000 students enrolled.
In what concerns psychological area, the Department of Psychology reaches a large rank of study and research areas, namelly in the clinical, counselling and social domains.
In what concerns its relations to the educational and vocational systems, the Department of Sciences of Education has a wide experience namely in pre-service adults education, in-service teacher training in connection to secondary schools and teacher training centres, post-degree of teachers and trainers in several areas of specialisation (such as adults education, teacher training, schools administration and curriculum development), and research in education area.
Concerning the research area, the Department Unit for Research and Development in Education has a long experience in international co-operation, being a partner or the responsible institution in several international research projects in subjects related to teacher training, vocational training, adults education, social exclusion and discrimination, TIC and educational multimedia, evaluation of teaching and training processes and school governance.
Among its students, the Faculty counts with some pre-school and basic school teachers providing the Faculty with their teaching experiences with children. Those experiences, being shared with all students and teachers, became research subjects and contribute for the production of knowledge in pre-school and basic school teaching and teacher training.
Tasks: Discussion about the state of early education and about the child, his characteristics and learning processes; development, testing and evaluation of the materials; development of experiments in order to be included in a virtual handbook for early technological education; pedagogical analysis of handbook contents."
