The nursery
school teacher meets the children at the computer in the explorers lab.
The children explain, how a
PC is booted, a child switches the PC on.
The children search and
point out the symbol of the WORD-program once again.
Can we also use the
computer to paint pictures? Which of the symbols / signs could be the one of
a paint program?
The children look at the
symbols on the screen and find the pen box with the pens. A child opens the
program. The children describe what they see. The nursery school teacher
shows how to use the mouse for painting and how to use different functions.
Taking turns, the children
try to paint with the mouse and to use different functions. They describe
what they are doing.
The nursery school teacher
shows them how to open a new, empty page (FILE NEW). The children open new
files by themselves in order to try out the paint program.
Three children at a time
confer and paint a picture together. The nursery school teacher shows them
how to print the picture. They print the pictures three times so that each
child has got one. Is the picture still there when a new file is opened? What
can we do to make the computer remember the pictures?
The nursery school teacher
shows the children how something can be saved. The children find a name for
their picture under which the picture is then stored. The second group of
children prints their picture and stores it (if possible) without help. The
nursery school teacher shows the children how the program is closed. A child
closes the program, explains how the computer is shut down. The children
discuss which parts shall be painted for the manual (for example the symbol
of the paint program, different functions of the program). The children paint
You open the
program by doubleclicking the left mouse button on the program symbol. You
can paint with the mouse by keeping the left mouse button pressed. In order
to use the different functions of the program, you click on the respective
symbol with the left mouse button (for example: brush, colour, circle).
A new, empty page is opened
under FILE NEW.
In order to print a page,
the printer is switched on and you click FILE PRINT OK.
A file is stored by picking
a file under FILE SAVE UNDER, choosing a name and clicking OK.
You close the program by
clicking on the X in the top right corner.