III. Chapter

Activity: The computer can teach us something!

Category: AV-Media, Computers

Where: a room apart, explorer’s lab

How long: approx. 45 minutes

What: Getting to know the CD-Rom “Löwenzahn (Dandelion)”


Material: Computer, loudspeakers, CD-Rom “Löwenzahn” („Dandelion, Stories from nature, environment and technology”)


Video download (0,3 MB)
Video download (5,7 MB)











The nursery school teacher meets the children at the computer in the explorer’s lab. What do we have to do if we want to work at the computer?

A child boots the computer and explains what he or she is doing.

The nursery school teacher shows the children the CD-Rom „Dandelion“ that she has brought along. Some new things are to be seen, for example how a mole digs a tunnel. A child inserts the CD-Rom and explains what he or she is doing. The “Dandelion” program starts. The children look at the opening page that shows Peter Lustig’s site trailer. By clicking on different items more pages open up where you can also use the left mouse button and find more information by clicking on different items or animals like the mole.

By clicking on different items the children try out what happens. They take turns and open different pages. They describe what they see and make Peter Lustig answer various questions by clicking on him.

Where do we see how the mole digs its tunnel?

The children find the right page by trial and error. After clicking on the photo “mole in the dirt“ they see a short film about a mole digging a tunnel while Peter Lustig explains its working method.

The children discover further pages.

How can we leave the site trailer and the game?

The children click on the door of the trailer and exit the game. A child takes out the CD-Rom and shuts the computer down before he or she switches it off.

The children describe how the mole builds a tunnel, recall and retell what they have seen.

Background information:

Boot the PC, start CD-Rom like before.

Game „Löwenzahn“: follow the announcer’s instructions. By clicking on different symbols more pages and different programs open up.

Exit the game: follow the instructions, click on the roof of the site trailer, shut down PC as before
