I tIIt starts off with a name: marble tower
tower machine as compared to marble tower.
title of the project already defines the problem to solve and therefore the
The approach to achieve early technical education incorporates a high
degree of scientific knowledge for the instructing persons. Therefore it is
strongly advisable to start this project by having it tested by students and/or
the instructors themselves. Thus they can acquire the necessary expertise which
is required in any practical work with children.
A marble tower is
something that normally everybody knows. The set of rules is well known. The
task in our project, however, is the special integration of elements favouring
early technical education. This was to be mapped already in the title.
Therefore we have chosen the project title Construction of a marble tower
The task is to build a
machine which by using mechanical elements takes over the transport of the
marbles in various ways. For example the transport of the marble from the end
of the track back to the starting point. In a similar way the trajectory of the
marble, i.e. the distance covered by the marble, should be influenced with
technical means.
Download: project_mechanic.zip
Berufsbildende Schulen VII, Braunschweig/Germany
For age range:
6 years and older
For how many?:
4-6 children depending on the materials
In a room
long: c. 15 minutes
2 glasses
One small case or box (about the size of your glass)
1 straw to bend
Objectives/ scientific analysis:
The participants gather first-hand experience
about fundamental principles of mechanics:
Some of these are:
Mass and inertia
The lever and its significance
Frictional forces
Inclined plane
Uniform and accelerated movement
It is best to first try the experiment in a shower tray.
Put the case into the shower
tray, with its bottom up.
Fill one glass with water and put
it carefully on the box. The second glass is placed on the floor of the
shower tray so that it is situated in a lower position than the glass on the
Hold the straw into the full
glass and suck it. Once the straw is filled with water you shut the end you
have sucked with your finger.
Now hold the straw into the still unused
glass and remove your finger from the opening.
Scientific explanation:
The water flows through a straw into a second glass. It runs uphill!!!
How does that work?
It seems that the water runs uphill! The
explanation is not as difficult as you may think.
The weight of the water in the second, longer
part of the straw is a bit heavier than the weight of the part of the straw
immersed into water.
The water runs out of the longer part because a force (the so-called cohesive
force) ensures that the water stays together. The water particles in the
longer part of the straw so to speak drag the water from the shorter part
along with them.
That is why the water can even run uphill
because at the top where the sharp bend is the water in the longer part pulls
down to its side the water from the shorter part.
Possible variations:
Tip: You can also leave out the straw and use a
towel instead!
aware of:
see over
Physics Mechanics
For age range:
5 years and older
For how many?:
2 persons and more
In a room
long: c. 20 minutes
One light and one heavy object (e.g. a matchbox and a key ring)
A stick, e.g. a long pencil, a pipe, a bicycle pump, a string, about 1
meter long
for the children:
Gather experience with:
Mass and inertia
Lever and its significance
Uniform and accelerated movement
You start by attaching both objects firmly to the ends of the string.
Then you hold the stick horizontally at eye level in front of you and put the
string across. At the same time you hold the light object with your second
hand and pull the heavy object up until it almost touches the stick. The
light object should be held flat as you see on the picture. Make sure that
particularly light objects should never be held above the stick.
What do you think happens if you now simply release the light object?
Probably you think the same thing happens that I expected when I heard of
this experiment for the very first time. I was sure the heavy object was
going to fall down, pulling the other one downwards as well, both hitting the
floor. But that is not true!
It is, however, true that the heavy objects falls, but it does not reach
the floor. Because the light object winds up the string around the stick, and
the whole thing comes to standstill.
Scientific explanation:
First we have to imagine a light object attached to a string hanging
down like a pendulum. If the object were simply attached to the stick and you
would let it go off it would swing back and forth for quite a while. It would
also almost reach the same height from which it was released. The speed at
which the object swings depends on the length of the string. You can simply
try out that a pendulum with a short string swings faster than a pendulum
with a long string.
In our experiment the light object
cannot be swinging undisturbed though because the other one pulls the string
when falling. Now the string on which the light object is swinging is getting
shorter and shorter. And at the same time it is also getting faster and
faster. And now (since it is faster) it can rise higher than usually. It
flies over the stick to the other side where it builds up new momentum and
swings again. Since the string is getting ever shorter the whole process is
repeated until the string has been wound around the stick so often that the
force with which the heavy object is pulling the string no longer suffices to
further pull the other object. This, of course, has to do with friction. And
it can easily be tested: after the experiment try to pull up the heavy object
by pulling the string without previously unwinding it. This is now much more
difficult than before when the string was simply lying over the stick.
Possible variations:
aware of:
Make sure that the objects are not too big so that
they do not collide during the winding process. Because if they clash the
rolling up stops instantly and both objects fall off.
For age range:
3- 6 years
For how many?:
6 children
Group room
long: c.
60 minutes
Devise symbols, then draw, paint and cut them
Get the materials
Try out the experiment before presenting it
to the group
the large poster, stick together yellow and blue cardboard plastic bottles,
plasticine, cardboard, ballpoint covers, water, glasses, paper, pencils,
diver, adhesive, scissors
Aims for the children:
Children learn to cooperate.
Children give each other mutual support.
In the introduction phase the children make
an input in terms of knowledge.
Children learn, understand how it works.
Good coordination:
The children form plasticine in a way that
the diver stands vertically in the water.
The children fill the bottles with water.
painted symbols are in a box. The poster with land and water is located in
the middle. One child after the other takes a symbol, says what it is and
assigns it correctly. Once all symbols have been stuck to the poster we check
whether everything is correct.
2 Execution:
children take a piece of plasticine and form a ball. A little bit of
plasticine is put onto the cover. Every child checks individually whether the
diver stands upright. If yes, the children fill their plastic bottles with
water. They put the diver inside and close the bottle.
they press the bottle the diver goes down.
you release the pressure he rises again.
Final phase:
child presents its diver once again individually.
Scientific explanation:
How to explain the existence of buoyancy?
In each liquid there is hydrostatic pressure which increases with the height
of the standing liquid column. For water the pressure is c. 0,1 bar per
meter. For a body (which we imagine in a suspended form in an aquarium) this
means that the hydrostatic pressure which is effective from the sides, is
counterbalanced. In the graph this effect is illustrated by several pairs of
arrows of the same length directed towards the body on the left and on the
Above and below the body, however, the pressure is
not identical since it goes up with increasing depth. As a result a stronger
pressure acts onto the lower body surface than onto the upper one. All in all
this results into a force which is directed upwards. If this force is
stronger than the weight of the body the body is displaced upward.
Possible variations:
diver itself cannot be varied except for different colours regarding the
plasticine. Introduction and final phase though can be changed just as you
Neil/Burnie, David: Spannende Experimente aus Natur und Technik, Loewe-Verlag
Be aware of:
Do not shake the diver
since otherwise he drowns. Do not use any Aldi plastic bottles.
Physics Mechanics
For age range:
5 years and older
For how many?:
4-6 children at the same time
In a room
long: c.
45 minutes
A cardboard tube, the best thing you can use is a cardboard tube for
posters with plastic covers on both ends, but you can also use a cardboard
tube from kitchen rolls and two discs made of cardboard.
A wooden stick which must be as long as the diameter of the tube
Two drawing pins
A string
for the children:
Lever principles
Usually a lifting block consists
of two sets of connected blocks. The hauling rope is thread in, in such a way
that it goes alternately around one block of each set. The arrangement or the
different size of the blocks ensure that different parts of the rope line do
not rub against each other. One set (mostly swivelling) is attached to a
supporting structural element of the building whereas the other set, on which
there is a hook for the load, hangs at the rope.
Even for horizontal purposes
lifting blocks can be used in connection with a rope winch.
The force-reducing effect of the
lifting block is based on lever
principles. Due to the arrangement of several parallel rope pieces the
hoisting height of the load is smaller than the length of the pulled rope.
The force necessary to pull is inversely proportional
to the by 1 increased number of movable blocks. i.e. if the lifting block has
one movable block the force required to pull is halved: 1 ÷ (1 + 1) = 1/2.
When using three movable block only one fourth of the expenditure of force is
necessary but you have to pull four times longer.
Theoretically the required expenditure of force could be reduced in such a
way that an ant could lift an elephant when using a lifting block. However,
there are a number of obstacles to that:
The space required for such a lifting block
would be beyond norm.
The distance would be so long that it cannot
be covered in an ants lifetime.
The own weight of the blocks and the rope
have to be lifted as well, i.e. additional potential energy has to be
summoned up.
Since the blocks are never fully frictionless a part of the
work is turned into frictional heat. With a certain number of blocks this
frictional heat absorbs the entire energy which is used. This would stop the
ant from advancing.
First, you put the wooden stick
crosswise inside the tube and fix it with the drawing pins. Then, through a
small hole in the upper cover you pull a piece of string into the tube and
tie it there into a loop. Through the lower cardboard disc you also pull a
piece of string into the tube. Here the string goes upward through the loop
of the other string, then back downward, around the wooden stick and back
upward; finally it is attached to the other string with a knot.
If you have used the cardboard discs instead of plastic covers you now have
to glue them together with the tube.
Finally you paint the tube and your
climbing tube is ready. If you now pull the lower string the tube moves
Build lifting blocks in an outdoor area and
transport weights.
aware of:
This inner construction is called lifting block.


For age range:
4 years and older with instructors
For how many?:
5 children and more
In a room
How long:
Project duration c. four weeks
Materials / preparation:
Wood plate, wood lath in different size and
thickness, 4 boards, plastic hoses, cardboard boxes from Ikea, small
materials (e.g. crown caps, broken glass, cotton wool). Wire netting,
newspapers, Velcro strip, bicycle tyres and tubes, enormous quantities of
hot-melt adhesive, nails, screws, wire and other small materials.
Aims for the children:
Implementation of fundamental principles in
mechanics which have been shown in the previous experiments
First a drawing was made at the blackboard, and ideas collected. Based
on this drawing we provided the material.
Then the three-storey skeleton structure was set up. Into this basic
structure you install one after the other the three departments from top to
bottom following the run of the marble.
Individual elements were designed in colour.
In a parallel step the domino-department and the lift were developed.
On the roof of the tower we have installed strips of wood with a
groove in the middle through which the marble runs.
Different holes had to be drilled into the inserted ceiling in order
to enable the transition of the marble between the individual departments.
In department 1 the tunnels had to be attached in a suspended way
which was done with kite string.
The hose in the second department was relatively easy to fix, but a
regular slope (gradient) is important so that the ball does not get stuck.
Department 3 was easy to integrate. However, the option to have the
ball pass on the right or on the left side was indeed a bit more difficult to
achieve so that in the end we have solved the problem with the string.
No difficulties occurred when building and installing the set of
dominos. But directing the ball in a way that it hits the first domino stone
and thus triggers the chain reaction was extremely tricky and still requires
a lot of skill when setting up the machine!
The construction of the individual elements forming the lift was not
problematic. But the installation of the whole system sometimes is very
dramatic and not without any risk!
Scientific explanation:
No changes versus the last experiments in
relation to this topic
Be aware of:
see over
Possible variations:
References: BBS VII Sozialwesen -, Böcklinstraße 29 38106
Pull the string (1) hanging down at the side.
This triggers a small barrier (2) which at the top level blocks the track of
the marble. Now released the marble starts rolling down the track. After a
first short trajectory it reaches its destination and hits the first of a set
of dominos (3). The marble falls into a cup (4) where it is caught.
A chain reaction is triggered and all dominos
fall. In order to bring them back into their position you pull the small
strings (5) and the dominos are put upright again.
In the basket (6) of the
lift (7) there is a second marble. The lift is pulled up to the second track.
At its end the marble reaches a cup (8) and falls into department 1.
Department 1 consists of a system of long,
rectangular cardboard tubes (9).
Points are integrated into this system by
which the marble can be sent onto two different trajectories.
In department 2 the marble runs through a
long, transparent hose (10) made of hard plastic.
At the beginning of department 3 the marble
gets once again to a long, rectangular cardboard tunnel (11). At the bottom
side of the tunnel you can decide by pulling a string whether the ball should
run to the left or to the right.
On the right side there is a flipper (12), on
the left the zigzag-track (13).
A tube (14) is located at the end through
which the marble gets back into the lift basket.
For age range:
4 years and older with instructors
For how many?:
5 children and more
In a room
How long:
Project duration c. four weeks
Wood plate, wood lath in different size and
thickness, 4 boards, plastic hoses, cardboard boxes from Ikea, small
materials (e.g. crown caps, broken glass, cotton wool). Wire netting,
newspapers, Velcro strip, bicycle tyres and tubes, enormous quantities of
hot-melt adhesive, nails, screws, wire and other small materials.
for the children:
Implementation of the fundamental principles
in mechanics which have been shown in the previous experiments.
First we have built the skeletal structure for the marble tower
machine. This skeletal structure consists of a wood plate supported by two
boards on one side. On the other side we have screwed in a wooden peg to give
the plate more stability. All elements were attached with screws.
passing the points the marble runs through one of 4 hoses onto one of 4
different tracks. All tracks consist of one wood plate each, all of the same
size. The 4 tracks have different topics, e.g. road with cars, stream with a
bridge or ski jump. The topics can be varied as you like. For the
construction of the tracks we have used residual materials from wool, cotton
wad, and decoration stuff for model railways.
Scientific explanation:
See previous experiments and projects

Possible variations:
After the different tracks the marble falls onto a
wood board which was nailed in a sloping position against the main plate. The
marble now runs to the side. Here it falls onto a long wood board. The marble
is stopped by a barrier.
With a rubber band the marble is shot onto a ramp
made of bicycle tyre. From here the marble is transported upwards by a film
box attached to a clothesline. The clothesline with the film box is fixed to
two bicycle tyres placed on top of each other. The upper bicycle tyre can be
turned by using a small crank. Due to the rotation of the upper tyre the
lower tyre also moves, and the film box is conveyed upward.
Once the
marble has reached the upper position again it falls out of the film box and
into a funnel. The marble crosses the funnel and runs through the hose back
to the first track with the cardboard boxes. The cycle starts anew.

Be aware of:
BBS VII Sozialwesen -,
Böcklinstraße 29, 38106 Braunschweig