is a concept which started in Scotland and has been taken up by teachers across
Northern Europe. We at the BBS VII in Braunschweig were introduced to it
through the Leonardo programme via our partners from the Teacher Training
College in den Haag.
a teaching idea for general use (language teaching, maths, and so on) it has
elements which make it very suitable for early technical education, in
particular its emphasis on problem-solving in the context of a story.
essence Storyline involves the teacher/Erzieherin developing a story which must
be pitched at an age-appropriate level. This story should not be too long, but
must be long enough to engage the interest of the children, who should for
maximum effectiveness identify with the characters. The story needs to be
developed in a direction which faces the children with a real world problem.
The story then finishes in mid-air, and the children are asked for their ideas
about how they can help their characters solve the problem. These problems are
chosen precisely because a technical solution (based on scientific principles)
is both possible and reflects some technical reality in the children´s real
task of the teacher/Erzieherin at this point is to guess the direction the
children might want to go in and have appropriate materials available to test
out the children´s solutions. It is critical to recognise at this point that
it is not the solutions themselves which are important, but the mental processes
which the children must use to solve the problems. There is in this sense no
right or wrong answer, but there are of course solutions which help the
characters overcome their problem, and ineffective solutions.
we did at BBS VII
teach in Michael Geginat´s class, EU I (Erzieherin Unterstufe Profil I
Technische Früherziehung) who are in their first year of the second part of
their training to be kindergarten teachers or youth workers. One day a week all
the four EU classes concentrate their attention on their special profile, in
this case in this class alone, early technical education. I and Marlies
Lindemann teach this, I taking on Storyline and Marlies taking on Light, Shadow
and Colour, based in part on the work of our partners from the University of
an introduction to the concept of Early Technical Education in general and
Storyline in particular, the 24 students in the class chose who to work with on
what subjects. In all nine groups worked on and presented in class nine
different Storylines for different age groups from 3 to 10 years old. This they
completed before Christmas. The whole class is now currently on a block
placement until the end of March 2004, and one or two of the students have said
they will use their Storyline planning with real children to see if it works.
the nine Storylines I rated two very good, one good, five satisfactory and one
not satisfactory. Almost all the students enjoyed working on them and put in a
lot of effort. They had no difficulty at all in seeing the value of the
concept, no difficulty at all in developing stories (although some were too
long, too complicated or not clear enough) or choosing appropriate themes. All
nine themes were good, and most of the stories were age-appropriate.
problems were all in the area of how do I get the children to do what I want
them to? It was precisely the area of control and freedom which caused all of
them the most headaches. Up until now the students have learnt to formulate
Angebote, that is well-thought through units with a beginning, middle and
end, clear aims and a clear view of what constitutes success. Throughout this
process the student is in 100% control and the children follow. Although most
of the students could understand intellectually that freedom for the children
to decide how to solve problems was a good thing they found it extremely
difficult to give up the control. Their solutions were often very clever
attempts to keep control without appearing to do so! How far this is legitimate
should I think be something for us to consider in Barcelona in February.
example was the story (designed for 4-5 year olds, very well told and well
illustrated) of two bears who lived on opposite sides of a fast flowing and cold
river. They could communicate across the river, and got to know each other
well, but one day the boy bear invited the girl bear to a birthday party, but
how could she cross the river safely to attend the party?
students wanted to illustrate how boats developed, and had lots of experiments
about what floats, what sinks, how to propel a floating boat and so on. Their
problem was that the children were more (or as) likely to think of building a
bridge, swimming or swinging over the river on a rope. How far is it legitimate
to steer the children towards a solution that the students themselves have
prepared beforehand? In the end the students wrote into the story that the
bears tried out all sorts of other solutions. The water was too cold to swim
in, the trees were not long enough to build a bridge, the bears were too
frightened to swing over on a rope. This was done clearly to limit the ideas
the children might have to overcome the problem!
still left lots of ideas about building boats and rafts, with lots of sensible
experiments that could be done in miniature in the kindergarten.
second example
somewhat older children a group developed a story around friction. The story
was of children left playing in a garden after the grown-ups had left the
playgroup. In the garden was a very heavy wooden trunk which the children could
just lift but couldn´t drag into the house. They knew the trunk shouldn´t be
left outside overnight, but had no-one to help them get it into the house. The
students built into the story that there was a collection of wedges, rollers,
and other assorted bits and pieces of wood, metal, plastic and so on nearby.
Could these be used to help them? The students then developed experiments using
rollers, hard and soft coverings and so on to illustrate the scientific
principles of friction.
third example
older children one group developed a science fiction story, of a group of Star
Trek type explorers landing on a hot planet with no fresh water, and only a few
simple tools. The aim was to show how fresh water can be won from condensation,
using only the sun. Again the story was designed in a very elegant way to limit
creativity among the children. There was in fact only one solution, and the
children had to find it! This is doubtless effective, but is not really in the
spirit of Storyline.
fourth example
5-6 year-olds one group developed a story about water in a well which was just
below the level the bucket could reach. How could they get the water into the
bucket? Here again the solutions could be to lengthen the rope, but the
solution the students wanted was to illustrate the principles of water
displacement, ie by filling the well with stones to raise the water level.
Their solution was again to limit the children´s creativity by excluding the
lengthening of the rope, although this could have been just as interesting an
experiment, by unwinding the rope, making it thinner, and using knots, to find
out how strong a rope needs to be to pull up water.
other examples
others developed stories around the mixing of colours (this was a very well
developed story, but not really technical enough, as the children could only
learn which colours make which other colours), gaining fresh water from
saltwater, using a periscope to see what is going on next door (the problem
here being that the solution was too complicated for the problem!), a different
story leading to the creation of a raft and a not very well thought through
story on shadows.
works well in theory for early technical education. So far none of the nine
developed stories have been tried out with real children. Originally I thought
it would be an issue whether the stories could be played out for real or in
miniature in the kindergarten. This didn´t however seem to be a problem. Our
students had no difficulty creating appropriate stories, but found it very
difficult to get the right balance between necessary forward planning (or
control?) and really allowing free rein to the children to develop solutions
(freedom), which seems to be at the heart of the concept. On the one hand I
can understand the desire of the students to be well prepared for all
eventualities, and therefore by necessity limiting those eventualities. On the
other hand, are the aims of developing solution-building skills losing out to
the desire to teach science in age-appropriate ways to pre-school children? Are
these two aims maybe incompatible? I would be grateful for feedback from
colleagues in Barcelona in February on this problem.
VII Braunschweig