III. Chapter
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5

Activity 2:

Experiments with a push pull cable

Category: Construction / Mechanics

Target group

Children of 3 to 6 years in kindergarten.


- to handle and describe a push pull cable.

- to develop solutions and put them into practice.


Marble carpet in the group area.

How long?

Guided play for approx. 30 minutes, free play phase afterwards.


Getting to know the functions and properties of a push pull cable and apply them in the marble-slide machine.


- Prepare the push pull cable (must be hung up).

- Prepare the group area.

- Place materials at hand that can be pulled up.


-         The children look at the construction sketch of the marble-slide machine.

-         They pull a block (different weights) up by using a string and ask themselves how this can be made easier.

-         The children build a push pull cable ("crane") and hang it up.

-         They pair up and experiment. They pull up various weights.

-         They regard the elevator on the sketch of the marble-slide machine.

Scientific explanation

A push pull cable facilitates the pulling up of weights.

A heavier weight pulls a lighter one upwards.

Possible variation


The elevator crate for the machine must be fastened to an edge, so that the crate can roll over the role of the push pull cable and the marble directly tilts into the slide.



Most children were already acquainted with the principle of a push pull cable because they had already played with a crane before. The children understood how it works and they could put the principle into practice. Particularly for some boys this was easy, they used the push pull cable to weigh out their toys without guidance of a nursery school teacher. Meanwhile the girls spent time experimenting with the push pull cable, they pulled up their barbie dolls for example.


To activity 3