The children tell the
difference between photo-paper and normal paper by touching and feeling the
surfaces (information #1).
In the dark photo-lab, the
children put different objects on the coated side of the photo-paper,
(information #2).
The children expose their
photo-paper one after the other for approx. 20 30 seconds (information #3).
Afterwards, the exposed photo-paper is fastened to a clothes pin and
put into the three plastic-bowls, one after the other. First into the
developer, then into water for rinsing and finally into the fixer.
Since your skin should not come in contact with the chemicals, the
photo-paper is fastened to the clothes pin. When putting the paper into the
respective baths, the photo-paper is steadily and easily waved back and
forth, (information #4).
The photo-paper (the pictures of the items), are hung up to dry on a
clothes line.
The photos thus made are displayed or used for decoration.