Target group: Children from 3 to 6 years in kindergarten
- construction of walkable houses
from cardboard
- fair distribution of work among the children
- conveying basic experiences of
working with cardboard
Where: Outside, a group area
How long: : approx. 1 morning
What: Setting up houses made of cardboard
Material: large and sturdy
cardboards, colors,
paint brushes, scissors,
carpet razors, measuring sticks, smocks, tape,
maybe broomsticks for
stabilization, transparent foil (for the windows),
sturdy step ladders
the children together examine their plans and decide, which houses they want
to build (a maximum of 3 are enough to begin with).
Construction of the houses:
The older children will take over the "measuring" and the building
of the walls, the younger children will paint them, build mail boxes etc.
Very large boxes were stabilized by wires with the assistance of the nursery
school teachers.
The windows were equipped
with shutters, some also with blinds. The children had turned cords for
pulling them up. The cords were held by little hooks that had been stuck
through the cardboard.