III. Chapter
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6

Activity 2: Making pretend cameras                                                

Optics / Photo

Target group: children of 3 to 6 years in kindergarten

Aim: Recognize the different individual parts of a camera: Casing, lens, viewfinder, release button.

Where: group area

How long? Approx. 1 hour



an old camera; a picture book which shows a camera.

Material for the children: Different cardboard boxes, an egg-box, glue, scissors, cellophane, tape.

Steps: After the examination of the camera or the picture book, the children make a gadget from the materials made available. They may also paint the “camera” or use the cellophane (“glass”) to make a lens. When making these gadgets certain conceptions and the use of certain words can be acquired, for example lens, viewfinder, release button, casing).

Scientific Explanation:


Possible variation:




The activity can also be carried out with small children.



to activity 3